I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life | How To Get Clarity

two pathways in a forest leading to different directions with a wooden sign
Life Purpose & Career

I Don’t Know What To Do With My Life | How To Get Clarity

When I hit rock bottom, I felt lost. I was tormented by the fact that I don’t know what to do with my life. I felt disconnected from who I was and had no clarity or direction. My days were filled with emptiness, and the future seemed bleak. 

The thoughts that kept going around in my head were “who am I really? what am I doing here?, what is the point of life? what is my purpose in this universe”? I felt so lonely and uncertain, like there was no hope for finding a purpose or discovering something meaningful in my life. 

All I knew was that I didn’t want to feel or think this way anymore. I didn’t want to feel like I don’t know what I want to do with my life anymore. A thought that tormented me day and night.

So what helped me shift from ‘can’t find my passion in life‘ to ‘finding my purpose‘? First let’s explore why you can feel this way, plus some tips I discovered on my journey to help you get there.

How I answered the question: “what am I supposed to do with my life?”

I began slowly finding out what to do with my life and my purpose through deep soul searching, and reflection.

I went from being stuck on not knowing what I want to do with my life and changed over 10 jobs in several different industries, to knowing exactly what I wanted to do even when faced with challenges and setbacks.

Finding out what sets my soul on fire and what I want to do with my life helped me move mountains. I felt excited, motivated, and inspired every morning when I woke up. Driven to get going and work toward my goals.

Related: What is Life Purpose Coaching?

Signs that you have no idea what to do with your life

When you don’t know what to do with your life, it can be a difficult and overwhelming experience. You may feel lost, without direction, experiencing a sense of emptiness or loneliness. It can seem like there is no hope and that you don’t know your soul purpose. But there are ways to start navigating this uncertain time in your life. 

By recognizing the signs that you don’t know what to do with your life, you can start taking positive steps towards finding clarity and meaning.

Here are some common signs that can help you identify when it’s time to assess your life choices and make positive changes.

  • You don’t have a sense of purpose or direction – this can cause confusion, feelings of emptiness and frustration, making it hard to find meaning in life or connect with any sense of joy.
  • You don’t have a passion or drive for anything – Finding something that makes you excited or passionate is challenging. You don’t know where to look or how to make connections between your skills, interests and passions.
  • Feeling unmotivated – it can be hard to get out of bed or feel motivated to pursue anything. You may find yourself feeling stuck and like nothing matters.
  • Unclear about your values and beliefs – you don’t know what you believe – causing confusion and without an internal compass for life.
  • Lots of self-doubts – you get bogged down in self-doubt. You may question your choices and whether they are the right ones or doubt your ability to succeed with anything. Which leads to feelings of unworthiness of your desires.
  • Feeling overwhelmed – it can be hard to focus on anything, and everything can seem overwhelming. 
  • Not feeling in control – It can be hard to feel like you have any control over your future or where your life is going. That lack of sense of control can lead to feelings of helplessness and anxiety.

Recognizing these signs is the first step towards finding clarity and understanding what to do with your life. Once you’ve identified the signs, take some time to reflect on what they mean for you and how you want to move forward. 

Related: Inner Wisdom | Spiritual Mentoring

Why you don’t know what to do with your life.

The fact that you don’t know what to do with your life can lead to anxiety and stress due to uncertainty about your future. Nonetheless, it can also be an opportunity for growth.

There are many potential reasons that can contribute to asking “I don’t know what to do with my life”. Here is a list of common reasons why people feel this way;

  • Lack of clarity on personal values, interests, and goals.
  • Fear of making the wrong choice or failure.
  • Uncertainty about the future.
  • Difficulty balancing the expectations of others with one’s own desires.
  • Limited exposure to new experiences and opportunities.
  • Lack of self-awareness and self-reflection.
  • Comparison to others.
  • Feelings of inadequacy.
  • Unresolved past traumas and emotional pain.
  • Social and cultural pressure to conform to certain norms, meaning you cannot be your authentic self.
  • Being a people pleaser to the point that you become ‘user friendly’, everything to everyone, giving so much to others at the expense of your own needs, and eventually lose sight of who you really are.

Once you have identified what is causing the uncertainty, it can become easier to begin progressing towards figuring out what to do with your life. 

Related: Finding Purpose in Life After 50

Tips to figure out what to do with your life

After you have discovered why you might feel this way, it is important to start the process of growing and discovering ways to overcome it. Here are my top 3 tips;

#1. Reflect and Assess: Discover or re-discover Your Purpose

journaling on i dont know what to do with my life

The first step is to take a moment to reflect and assess. It can be helpful to look at the past for clues about yourself, such as things that brought you joy in your childhood or teenage years. Look at the moments when you felt most alive, flourishing, or passionate – these could provide direction on where to go next.

Take some time for self-reflection to reconnect with yourself. Instead of telling yourself I have no idea what to do with my life, ask yourself:
“What values do I believe in? What gives my life meaning and purpose?”

These are all important questions that can help you find clarity and discover a new or renewed direction for your future.

Journaling might also help you express what is within you, giving great insights into the path ahead. Take some quiet time and try to answer the question
“What do I want to do with my life?”

Let your imagination guide you, be creative. If any self-negative talk comes up, shift your attention back to the positive outcomes.

Remember that it’s ok not to have all the answers right away.

Related: How mindfulness empowers us

#2. Prioritize self-care

yoga class in nature

Taking care of yourself is essential for finding clarity and perspective. It’s not selfish; it’s important. Please don’t feel guilty, you cannot do everything all the time, and it is important to rest and find ease.

Often in moments of self-care, insights and ideas arise from within. Here are some self-care practices that can help:

  • Take time for yourself every day—even five minutes to just be with your thoughts and emotions without judgment. Just start with 5 minutes and stick to it. You will begin to feel a difference.
  • Create a daily spiritual practice such as yoga, journaling or mindfulness, meditation or prayer that allows you to connect with yourself or the universe on a deeper level. 
  • Schedule time each day to take relax. Walks, read books, watch movies or explore nature—whatever helps you relax and recharge. 
  • Remember to be gentle with yourself as you journey through this process. By taking time for self-care, cultivating patience and trusting your intuition, you can uncover the answers that lie within.

#3. Seek professional guidance and mentorship

life coaching to figure out what to do with your life

Seeking professional help can be a great way to figure out what to do with your life when you feel lost and overwhelmed. A therapist or a life coach can provide guidance, support, and clarity during this uncertain time. They can also help you work through any negative thoughts and feelings that may be blocking you from finding your true purpose.

Working with a professional allows you to explore yourself without judgement. They can ask questions that will help open up conversations, bring awareness to potential paths or solutions that may not have been discovered on your own, and provide practical tools to help.

Having an outside perspective is incredibly beneficial as it allows for objective feedback and fresh perspectives. A therapist or life coach can help you take the necessary steps to move forward in a direction that resonates with who you are.

Closing thoughts

Always remember that it’s ok not to have all of life figured out right away; it’s a journey. Not knowing what to do with your life is frustrating and it may take you some time to figure it out.

Take comfort in the fact that this period of uncertainty is just a small part of your life story. You can write the following chapters of your story however you like. You are capable and worthy enough to pursue whatever path is best for you.

Be compassionate and kind with yourself during this process, it can take courage and hard work. But by taking these positive steps towards understanding more about who you are and what makes you happy, you will start to feel empowered as you uncover a new or renewed purpose in life. Which leads to overcoming the idea that you don’t know what to do with your life.


Why I don’t know what to do with my life?

Possible reasons why you don’t know what to do with your life:
1. You don’t know your values
2. Lack of self-trust
3. People pleasing tendencies
4. Social & cultural influences
5. Unresolved emotional wounds

How to find out what to do with your life?

Here are 3 tips to help you figure out what to do with your life:
1. Reflect and Assess: Discover or re-discover Your Purpose
2. Prioritize self-care & create a daily spiritual practice
3. Seek professional guidance & mentorship

Everyone Has a Purpose in Life
Living a Life of Purpose

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