Abundance Mindset Exercises | 10 Easy Ways That Work Wonders
One of the most powerful tools that helped me manifest my dream life is an abundance mindset. Just to be clear, I wasn’t born and raised with an abundance mindset. I had never heard this term before, until I hit rock bottom and started practicing abundance mindset exercises to change the direction of my life.
Prior to cultivating an abundance mindset, I was stuck in toxic relationships and soul-sucking corporate jobs, following the norm. I was working over 200 hours a month, working nightshifts, and always going home at ungodly hours. I didn’t have a social life, and I abandoned my family and friends, only to end up making ends meat.
If you’d like to learn the techniques I used to turn my life around and manifest my dream life, check out my abundance mindset course. It teaches you everything you need to know to with effective strategies, tips and real life examples.
10 Powerful Abundance Mindset Exercises:
#1. Appreciate What You have
I assume that if you’re reading this article, it means that you have the following at the very least:
- a roof over your head
- a mobile phone or laptop
- access to internet
- food and water
- cognitive abilities to read, process, and understand this information
- some source of income or financial support
How often do you think of these blessings? Not on a daily basis I suppose. Now imagine if someone had to take them away from you, how would you feel? Not so good right?! Exactly… it’s easy to take things for granted in life, until they are taken away from us.
Appreciating what we already have raises our vibration and helps us maintain a positive outlook on life. When we acknowledge and appreciate what we have in life, we are sending out a signal to the universe that we appreciate our blessings.
When we feel and show appreciation for our blessings, the universe can only bless us with more abundance. It’s the same as if you were giving a gift to someone who didn’t appreciate it. How motivated would you feel to buy that person a second gift if they didn’t even appreciate the first one you gave them?
#2. Look Out for the Good Things in Life

Cultivating a positive mindset is a powerful and effective abundance mindset exercise that will help you recognize the good things in life. This exercise makes such a huge difference on how you perceive different situations, and it dictates what kind of actions you will take in response to certain situations.
For example, let’s say you just went to the doctor for a check up. The results show that you have a treatable condition which requires medical treatment. The doctor reassures you that your condition is totally curable and it will go away after the right medical treatment.
You have two options. Option A is to go in despair and feel totally depressed because of the bad news which you just received. Or you can go for option B which means that you embrace the fact that your condition is treatable and that you will be fine after the medical treatment.
Now of course it’s completely understandable to experience feelings of sadness or concern. However there’s a difference between allowing yourself to experience and move through these different emotions, and getting stuck with them.
By maintaining a positive attitude, it will help you keep your vibrations up which will result in the betterment of your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. And what does that mean? A quicker recovery!
Related: How to be open to receive abundance
#3. Repeat Abundance Affirmations
I know what you must be thinking, more positive affirmations? How effective can they be?
Let me just answer that question, VERY! Repeating abundance and positive affirmations can help you train your brain to focus on the good things in life. At first you might feel a sense of internal conflict or resistance. But by time, they will start sinking in.
Repeating abundance affirmations works the same way as learning any other new skill. For example, let’s say you’re learning a new language. The only way to memorize and learn new vocabulary is through repetition. When we repeat the same words in our conscious mind, they start sinking in, into our subconscious mind.
The more you practice, the more neural pathways form. Until it becomes automatic and you don’t have to wait 10 seconds before you say the right word in whatever language you are learning.
The same goes when you’re practicing abundance mindset exercises and affirmations. The more you practice, the more natural it becomes for you to think positively and cultivate a sense of abundance in your being.
Related: The Law of Detachment
#4. Abundance Guided Meditations

I’m a big fan of meditation. It’s a powerful tool that helped me stop the negative inner chatter in my head and realize the abundance that the universe was showering me with.
Abundance exercises can be practiced through guided visualizations and meditations. There are tons of guided meditations and visualizations online. I’ve also included one in my abundance mindset course in the bonus section. It will help you tap into your subconscious mind and envision your future.
Guided meditations help you calm down your mental clutter and enter into a deep relaxed state. After you’ve entered into a deep relaxed state, you will be guided by an expert to help you visualize your future filled with abundance and your dreams goals manifested.
#5. Wake up feeling grateful everyday
A scary fact which left a great impact on me was knowing that some people go to bed and don’t wake up the next day. Knowing this fact helped me embrace each and every morning. As soon as I wake up, I feel grateful for getting another shot at life.
So before my feet touch the ground, I thank my body every day for keeping me alive. I set the intention for my day to make the most out of my time and be the best version of myself.
Now of course, I do have my days where it feels harder to keep up with life and I feel like I need to slow down and just be. But when I do have those days, I listen to my body and give it what it needs. Taking a step back from busy schedules and to do lists helps me to embrace life and be present in each and every moment.
Related: How to raise your vibration for manifestation
#6. Appreciate The People in Your Life
It’s natural for human beings to take things for granted in their life, even in relationships. When was the last time someone did something nice for you? Did you acknowledge it? Did you embrace it and give thanks for the kind gesture?
Sometimes we don’t realize that we feel entitled to things. However, it’s good to remind ourselves that people don’t owe us anything, because we don’t own them in the first place.
Being appreciative towards other people’s kindness will help you feel more abundant, loved, and grateful. It cultivates a sense of warmth in your heart that will automatically bring in more love and kindness.
So the next time someone does something nice to you, make sure that you say thank you and that you show how much you appreciate them in your life.
#7. Practice Gratitude for Life
Being grateful means that you feel gratitude at the very core of your being. It’s a feeling that can fill you up with love and tears of joy.
Practicing gratitude doesn’t involve comparing yourself to others to feel better. It’s not a cognitive understanding that you should feel grateful. That’s not how gratitude works.
When you feel grateful, it means that you feel it at the very core of your being. It’s a powerful emotion that signals out to the universe how blessed and humbled you feel for all the blessings that you have.
Entitlement is an abundance killer, while humility is an abundance activator. When we feel that we are entitled to things, we set ourselves up for disappointment and arrogance. However, when you are humble and you don’t expect anything from others, you will feel like you’re being showered with blessings even with the smallest acts of kindness.
Related: 10 Signs of blocked feminine energy
#8. Write Down 3 Different Things You’re Grateful for Every Day
Okay, so this might not sound that appealing. You might be thinking that you’ll end up writing the same things every day. At first it might be challenging to think of new things that you are grateful for.
Try this for at least one week, and you will see how it will start shifting your mindset. Eventually you will start noticing more things that you are grateful for which you didn’t even think of before.
9#. Be Kind and Compassionate with Yourself
If you stay beating yourself down with harsh comments and self-criticism, you’re just going to put yourself into a bad vibe. And when you’re vibrating at a low vibrational frequency, it’s even harder to feel abundant and prosperous.
Sometimes we don’t even realize how harsh we are being with ourselves. So start observing how you speak to yourself, and ask yourself whether these comments and statements are supportive, or disempowering.
If you notice that the majority of your internal self-comments are disempowering, then you know that you need to star being kinder and more compassionate with yourself if you want to lead a better life.
This doesn’t mean that you sugarcoat your mistakes to make yourself feel better. It means that you acknowledge both your strengths and weaknesses, while knowing that your mistakes will only make you stronger and wiser as you will learn from them.
#10. Surround Yourself with Good Vibes
There’s a lot of bad things happening in this world. But there’s a lot of good things happening as well. Whether you decide to focus on the bad things that are happening, or whether you focus on the good things which are improving will make a huge difference in your personal life.
You can decide to watch the news all day and stay getting depressed about things which are beyond your control. Or you can focus on what kind of actions you can take to make the world a better place.
Light and darkness exist simultaneously, and one cannot exist without the other. It’s important to keep in mind though that light always diminishes darkness. So whenever you feel that you are in a dark place, seek the light within you.
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.
Matthew 7:8
How these Abundance Mindset Exercises Changed My Life

Practicing these abundance mindset exercises was a total game changer for me. In less than a year, I was able to turn my whole life around.
I didn’t believe that my dreams were reachable. In fact, they weren’t goals, they were just dreams. But practicing these abundance mindset exercises, and reconnecting with my true self allowed me to create a life with purpose and fulfillment.
After discovering how powerful these abundance mindset exercises were, I embarked on a mission to help as many people as I can to change the direction of their life and start living their life to the fullest.
Life is too short to be wasted in unhappiness and unfulfillment. The last thing you want is being on your death-bed knowing that you have missed all your chances.
Start living now and claim the abundant life that you deserve. You have no time to waste. Time is a limited resource. Use it wisely!
If you’ve enjoyed this article, you’re going to love my Abundance Mindset Course. Check out more details by clicking the link below:
The most effective abundance mindset exercises are:
1. Appreciation
2. Focus on the good things
3. Abundance Affirmations
4. Abundance Meditations
5. Wake up feeling grateful
6. Appreciate the people you have in your life
7. Practice gratitude for life
8. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for everyday
9. Be kind & compassionate
10. Surround yourself with good vibes
Abundance theory states that if a person is able to master oneself and create a state of abundance within, one will attract abundance in the physical realm. Abundance could manifest in different ways and forms including materialistic things or relationships.
An abundance mindset empowers people to set goals and work towards achieving them. People with an abundance mindset are more likely to reach their goals as they feel inspired, motivated and driven to learn new things and overcome any challenges to achieve their goals.