How To Manifest By Writing | 10 Powerful Tips Of Writing Manifestation
The concept of ‘writing manifestation’ is becoming increasingly popular. But what does it mean to manifest by writing? Is it just woo-woo where some kind of a magic spell happens just because you write down your goals? Not really….
At first I was a bit skeptical about this concept as I didn’t really understand the works behind it. So it seemed like an unconventional belief with no scientific evidence supporting it. But since I’m a bit of a mystic myself I decided to give it a try and it blew my mind!
In less than a year, I started doing what I love for a living while traveling around the world with my soul mate. This phenomenon got me curious so I started looking into why and how writing manifestation works so well.
If you’re intrigued by the power of manifestation and eager to transform your life, don’t wait any longer! Enroll in my abundance mindset course and discover the secrets behind successful manifestation practices. Learn how to align your thoughts and emotions with your dreams, and manifest a life filled with joy, abundance, and fulfillment. Take the first step towards your dream reality today!
Writing manifestation: scientific evidence
A study done by the Dominican University of California shows empirical evidence for the effectiveness of writing down one’s goals which we call writing manifestation. The study focuses on strategies to achieve goals and it concluded that you are 43% more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.
Psychology Professor Dr. Matthews also found empirical evidence where you are 76% more likely to achieve your goals using these three coaching tools :
- accountability
- commitment
- writing manifestations
10 Powerful tips on how to manifest by writing
1. Get clear on your goals & be specific
Before you start scribbling down on your journal, it’s important to get clear on what you want and why you want it. Being mindful of your thoughts, goals and desires helps you set goals that are aligned with your true values.
Ask yourself these 3 key questions:
- What do I really want?
- How do I want to feel?
- Why do I want this?
When you figure out your answers, it’s really important to BE SPECIFIC. If you want to manifest your soul mate into your life, list down all the qualities that you would like to have in this person. Or if you want to create a new project, list down everything you have in mind about it.
Having this kind of clarity puts your subconscious mind into action. Your mind will start working on a framework to manifest what you wrote. It knows what qualities to look out for the next time you go on a date. And it knows what resources you need to have to make this project happen.
Remember that writing manifestation really does work. As the saying goes:
“Be careful what you wish for, cause you just might get it.”
Aesop’s Fables – Ancient Greek Storyteller
Related: Is Manifestation A Sin?
2. Imagine you’ve already achieved them
So now that you’ve established what you want and wrote it down, let it sink in. It’s time to play around with your imagination and imagine yourself how you will feel when you achieve and manifest your goal.
Focusing on the feeling is an essential step when manifesting with writing. You put yourself in that state of being which means that you have become a vibrational match to what you want. If you act from a place of lack instead of cultivating a state of abundance, you’re just making it harder on yourself to manifest.
Why…? Because your brain will unconsciously start looking for things to affirm this belief in your reality.
On the other hand, if you focus on feeling abundant and get into that state of being as if you’ve already manifested your goals, your mind starts looking for things to affirm this belief in your reality. So shifting to a positive mindset and feeling grateful will help you stay motivated and inspired you to take aligned action and make things happen.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Max Planck – Nobel Prize Physicist
Related: The Law of Detachment
3. Set your intention
Writing manifestation is not just about writing down your goals and visualizing them. That part is just the foundation of the whole process.
Now you need to set your intention behind your goals, attitude, and actions. Many people forget about this step and go straight into action. But setting your intention helps you align with your aim and purpose. Instead of being all over the place and taking action for the sake of doing so, setting your intention ensures that you take conscious and mindful actions.
If your intention is to feel loved for being you and build a strong relationship, don’t date a womanizer.
Or perhaps you started a new project and feel overwhelmed with never-ending tasks. You might get anxious, panicked, and burn out as you try to quickly get things done. And that’s when your day starts to get messy. Setting your intention to do the best you can and prioritize between tasks helps you take better actions, work efficiently and effectively.
4. Write down your actions

To effectively manifest by writing, you need to have an effective strategy for your goals. Having an action plan ensures that you are taking aligned action with your intentions. A common mistake is to think that writing down your goals and visualizing them is enough to manifest your dreams.
On planet Earth, things don’t work out that way. Writing down your actions gives you a clear vision of what you need to do to achieve your goals and manifest them into your reality. See it as way of designing a map with directions to get you to where you want to be.
So if you want to find your soul mate, you need to get out there and start dating. If you want to create a new project, list down the resources and skills that you need to create it.
Strategy is the bridge that will take you to where you want to be. When writing down your actions, make them time-bound so you have an idea of what you need to do by when. It helps you move away from procrastination to pro-activeness.
5. Believe that you will receive
This may sound a bit mystical but it’s all about metaphysics. We live in a vibrational universe where every thought, emotion and being has it’s own vibrational frequency. Like attracts like. So when you are open to receiving, you are able to accept the opportunities that the universe matches you up with.
“Everything in Life is Vibration”
Albert Einstein
Being open to receiving helps you be open to opportunities that might come your way. Otherwise, you might even fail to see the opportunities and you completely miss out on them. And this is where a lot of people get stuck.
At their very core, they believe that they are not worthy of their goals or desires. Or that they live in a hostile universe which is determined to make them suffer. By shifting to a positive mindset, you start perceiving the universe as a friendly one supporting you throughout your journey.
If you see everything through a dark filter, no opportunity will seem appealing enough to you. Try it out for yourself! People report impressive changes in their lives when they shift their perception towards themselves and their environment.
6. Believe that you will achieve
Believing in yourself and in the power of writing manifestation will empower you to keep moving forward and overcome obstacles that come your way. Manifestation is not a quick fix where you get whatever you’ve written down in your journal in the blink of an eye.
The most successful people manage to manifest their goals because they believe in their actions, strategy, and learn from their mistakes. Otherwise, you will easily be discouraged with the first few setbacks that you might face. How can you be motivated to take aligned action if you don’t believe that you can achieve it?
So if you’ve been on a few dates and you haven’t met your prince charming yet, don’t get discouraged. When you meet the right person that fits with who you are, you will appreciate them even more.
And if your new project isn’t giving you the results that you hoped for yet, don’t just quit. Reassess your strategy, see what you can do better and how you can adapt.
Related articles: We Manifest Our Own Reality…But How? | Abundance Mindset Exercises
7. Revisit your writing manifestation journal

The brain learns by repetition. The more your practice or read something, the more you remember it, and the better you get at it. So when it comes to manifesting by writing, revisiting and re-reading your writing manifestation goals will help you stay motivated and inspired.
Your mind gets more creative and you might come up with new ideas or solutions to whatever is blocking you from moving forward. It’s also a way of re-affirming to yourself how important these goals are for you.
Revisiting your written manifestations allows you to assess your progress and see whether you are taking the necessary actions within the required time-frame.
8. Have faith and trust
Manifesting with writing and making your goals happen takes time. So having faith and trust will help you get through challenging moments in your journey. Ups and downs are part of being human, whether you’re a mum, a single person, an entrepreneur, a student…..
Everyone faces challenges, but what determines success is trusting that everything will be okay. Perceiving life from this approach feels lighter, even when things get dark and heavy.
Whether you have faith and trust in yourself, or in a higher power, it doesn’t matter. Just find something you can connect with when you start having self-doubt, be it with yourself, with nature or through prayer. Overcome your fears and don’t allow doubt to creep in and destroy your dreams.
Related: How to raise your vibration for manifestation
9. Stay positive minded

Well done you’re coming closer to manifesting your goals and dreams. Staying positive will help you stay uplifted and focused on what you’ve achieved so far.
We all experience negative thoughts every now and then, for some it might be too often. Being mindful of the self-narrative that you tell yourself and how you speak to yourself will help you shift to a positive mindset. Self-awareness gives you the power to consciously choose how to think.
Of course, you might say easier said than done. But just like everything, with practice, being positive minded will become your natural state. And you will find it much easier to let go of those negative thoughts when they pop up in your head.
10. Be patient
Writing manifestations is not like having a Genie at your disposal granting your wishes. Patience is a virtue and while you’re ‘waiting’, make your journey a pleasant one. Achieving goals and manifesting your dreams is not just about getting there, but more importantly about growing and enjoying the journey.
As you’re getting closer to manifesting, invest in yourself and learn new skills. Work on mastering your mindset and your emotions. Be grateful for what you already have in your present moment and keep working towards your goals.
Instead of focusing on the outcome and feeling frustrated because you haven’t manifested yet, focus on being more present and joyful in what you’re doing. Your energy is transferred into your actions and creative work. When you’re not attached and obsessed on the outcome, it will be reflected in how you show up in life.
By being patient you reaffirm to yourself and the universe that you have faith, trust, and that you KNOW that you will manifest your goals. It’s only just a matter of time!
If you’ve enjoyed this article, I invite you to check out my abundance mindset course so can delve deeper into the key principles of manifestation and implement them into your life.
Follow these 10 powerful tips to manifest by writing:
1. Clarify your goals & be specific
2. Imagine you’ve already achieved them
3. Set your intention
4. Write down your actions
5. Believe that you’ll receive
6. Believe that you’ll achieve
7. Revisit your manifestation journal
8. Have faith & trust
9. Stay positive
10. Be patient
Writing manifestation helps you get clear on your goals. We have thousands of thoughts every day, and by writing them down, you are giving them more energy, power and attention. Your brain starts working up a framework of how to manifest your written down goals even at a subconscious level.