Codependency Affirmations | Top 30

codependency affirmations i am the author of my story written on notebook
Love & Relationships

Codependency Affirmations | Top 30

Codependency affirmations help you rewire your brain so you can break free from your codependency traits. Codependent thinking can lead to toxic relationships and unhealthy behavioral patterns due to low self-esteem and self-limiting beliefs. If you’re codependent, it means that you seek validation outside yourself.

These powerful codependency affirmations can help you reprogram your brain and establish healthier beliefs. That way you improve the relationship with yourself and your relationships with others.

Top 10 most powerful codependency affirmations for SELF-LOVE

  1. I love you [Your Name]
  2. I accept myself as I am
  3. I am beautiful inside out
  4. I am beautifully unique
  5. I forgive myself for my mistakes
  6. I am enough
  7. I love myself and value myself
  8. I take care of my needs
  9. I respect myself
  10. I acknowledge and embrace my positive qualities

These codependency affirmations are truly powerful. By learning new beliefs which are true to who you really are, you can change your codependent thinking patterns and transform your life.

Experiment with these codependency affirmations and try these techniques when repeating them. See what works best for you:

  • Repeat these affirmations when looking in the mirror
  • Close your eyes, put your hands on your chest and stomach, and repeat these affirmations
  • Write them down in your journal

Related: How To Break Codependency | Am I enough?

Top 10 most powerful codependency affirmations for SETTING BOUNDARIES

  1. My needs and feelings matter
  2. I acknowledge and respect how I feel
  3. I say no when I need to say no
  4. My voice matters
  5. I easily express what I feel
  6. I validate my feelings and opinions
  7. My needs are important
  8. I only say yes to things I agree with
  9. I take care of others but I take care of myself first
  10. I communicate my needs because they are important

Related article: How To Stop Being Codependent With A Narcissist

Top 10 most powerful codependency affirmations for SELF-RELIANCE & EMPOWERMENT

  1. I am resilient
  2. I am a powerful being
  3. I am autonomous
  4. I know what’s best for me
  5. I take good decisions for myself
  6. I can achieve anything I want to achieve
  7. I am capable of manifesting great things
  8. I make my own dreams come true
  9. I am capable of learning new skills to achieve my goals
  10. I can rely on myself because I am independent

How do codependency affirmations work?

silhouette of human head with question mark for neuropathways

Words are truly powerful so don’t underestimate the power of affirmations!

There have been scientific studies published in the journal Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience about self-affirmation and how it changes the neural pathways in your brain.

In this study they used MRI to demonstrate that repeating self-affirmations causes physical changes in the brain. New neural pathways fire up and change the area in your brain that make you feel happy and positive.

By repeating codependency affirmations you are teaching your brain a new way to think about yourself and shifts your perception. You will start seeing yourself from a new perspective and you will build up your confidence and self-reliance. Repeat these affirmations as much as you can! Keep in mind that your brain learns by repetition.

How can codependency affirmations change your life?

cognitive behavioral triangle showing the link between thoughts feelings behaviors
Changing your thoughts, changes your feelings and your actions.

When you work on changing your codependent thoughts and behaviors, you will incorporate healthier thoughts that build up your self-esteem. With time and practice, you dissolve your self-negative thoughts and beliefs.

The positive thoughts will become effortless as they become your natural state of being. You will learn how to nourish yourself, take better decisions, and build healthy loving relationships based on trust and respect.

Changing your codependency thinking patterns will help you shift your relationship dynamics toward interdependency. By repeating these codependency affirmations you will be able to free yourself from your own limitations and relieve yourself from the anxiety that torments you.

Related article: Interdependence VS Codependency

Codependency affirmations to break free from narcissistic abuse

woman in her bathrobe looking in the mirror self-love

Codependents struggle with self-love and self-worth. Their self-esteem is based on how others perceive them. They want to feel needed in a relationship, and they end up prioritizing other people’s needs to feel needed and valued.

Most codependents with a history of narcissistic abuse don’t realize that their lack of self-reliance and low self-esteem is what leads them into such a toxic relationship. Unconsciously they believe that their dreams cannot come true without the narcissist. So they hold on to their abuser because they feel helpless, and are scared that they cannot accomplish anything by themselves.

When you truly love yourself, you recognize your self-worth and value. You don’t depend on others to validate your worth, and you don’t depend on others to feel loved.

Codependency affirmations can work wonders. People are able to transform themselves and their entire lives just by changing their thinking patterns. Changing your codependent thinking patterns is possible if you commit yourself to it.

FAQs on Codependency Affirmations

What are some examples of helpful codependency affirmations?

Codependency affirmations examples:
1. I love you [Your Name]
2. I accept myself as I am
3. I am beautiful inside out
4. My voice matters
5. My needs are important
6. I respect myself
7. I am resilient
8. I am a powerful being
9. I am autonomous
10. I make my own dreams come true

How do affirmations work scientifically?

Studies have demonstrated that repeating self-affirmations fires up new neural pathways in your brain. By repeating affirmations you are teaching your brain new beliefs and dissolving self-negative beliefs. The brain learns by repetition and activates reward systems in your brain by saying self-affirmations.

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