5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals

a guy in the park throwing his paper documents in the air with his laptop in front of him smiling in excitement
Growth & Transformation

5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals

These 5 ways to achieve your goals are key elements found in successful people who managed to push through and manifest their thoughts into matter, their ideas into reality.

Everyone sets goals with the intention of achieving them, yet only a few of us manage to do so. The ability to achieve goals is based on a set of qualities that allow you to overcome any obstacles, and continue moving forward in manifesting your dreams.

These 5 ways to achieve your goals describe states of being, rather than actions based on doing. To have and achieve, first you need to be that person who achieves goals. So what kind of choices does a goal achiever make? What kind of risks would a goal achiever take? Let’s get right into it and explore 5 powerful behavioral habits to help you achieve your goals!

#1. Be focused

Being focused is essential if you want to achieve your goals. Creation, change, learning new skills, growth, healing… all of these require energy. Ignore distractions that might come along your way and focus all your energy on achieving your goal.

This doesn’t mean neglecting other aspects of your life. Finding balance and taking holistic care of yourself ensures that you are in your best shape and with the right mindset to achieve your goals.

If you struggle to focus, work on improving this mental skill. There are plenty of techniques which you can practice to strengthen your concentration skills:

  • Meditation
  • Yoga
  • Regular physical activity
  • Mindfulness exercises

When you’re working on achieving your goal, the destination can seem too far away or out of reach. The journey can feel overwhelming. But if you break your goal into smaller steps, you’ll find it easier to focus on one small step at a time.

#2. Be purposeful

There’s an emotion behind each and every goal. It’s quite frequently overlooked that people want to achieve a goal to feel in a certain way after having achieved the goal. So if you’re not so sure about this, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Why have I decided to set and achieve this goal?
  • How would I feel after achieving this goal?
  • What purpose does this goal have in my life?
  • What is the purpose of this goal?

Answering these questions as honestly as possible helps you understand why you have set this goal. And knowing your reasons will come in very handy when things get rough. It’s common to have moments of doubt and fear. Knowing why you’re doing this is a good reminder that fuels you to keep going.

Related: Finding Purpose in Life After 50

#3. Be faithful and full of faith

woman crossing her hands on her chest resting in faith to achieve her goals

Being faithful towards your goal means that you are devoted and loyal towards the intentions that you set, and the actions you need to take. It’s important to keep up the momentum, which requires you to consistently put the right energy into it.

This doesn’t mean that you need to force things or push yourself and burn out. Self-care, rest, and taking time to just be with yourself are ways to help you stay uplifted and with the right energy.

Being full of faith fills your heart with courage, trust and strength, that empowers you to keep going. The power of faith is impressively transformative. It enables you to stay faithful towards your vision, even when your external environment tempts to paralyze you with fear.

But fear doesn’t stand a chance when you are full of faith. It knocks on your door, yet you don’t even bother to ask who’s knocking. It whispers in your ears, yet you remain unaffected by it. You continue to strengthen your vision with faith and trust, knowing that you are on the right path.

Related: 10 Signs of blocked feminine energy

#4. Be grateful

It sounds so simple to be thankful and grateful, yet we struggle to feel gratitude at the core of our being on a daily basis. Waking up to another day with another shot at life is already a great start to the day! Yet how many of us wake up in the morning and feel grateful for that?

Our minds have a tendency on focusing on things that we do not have, and things that are not going our way. It forgets to remind us of all the things that we are already blessed with. These kinds of thinking patterns create a state of lack within us and we start perceiving our world through a dark filter.

Being grateful helps you operate from a state of abundance and positivity. It keeps your mind and heart open to new possibilities and opportunities. Gratitude strengthens your faith and trust that everything will be okay. Because you are able to see how the universe has been supporting you along the way.

Related Article: Abundance Mindset Exercises

#5. Be patient

Sometimes, we can easily get discouraged and lose interest in our goals, especially if it takes time to see results. Achieving your goals, manifestations, and the process of creation take time. When you plant a seed, it doesn’t give you fruits and flowers the following day. You need to patiently nourish the seed, and invest time and energy into it.

The same goes when you are working towards any goal you set to achieve. Most importantly is that you continue to keep your focus, strengthen your faith, and remind yourself why you even started in the first place.

If you struggle with being patient, try shifting your perception on the journey to achieving your goal. Instead of seeing it as a ‘waiting period’ which you cannot wait to get over and done with, see it as a learning journey.

You’re continuously growing, learning and transforming, and that’s the beauty of it! Because at the end, it’s not about the goal you achieve… it’s about who you’ve become along the way.

Check out  my Abundance Mindset Course to master yourself & turn your dreams into reality.


5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals Successfully:

1. Be focused – keep your focus and ignore distractions.
2. Be purposeful – remind yourself why you are doing this.
3. Be faithful and full of faith – be devoted towards your goal and have faith that you will achieve it.
4. Be grateful – remind yourself of your blessings and stay open to new opportunities.
5. Be patient – remember that a seed takes time to bloom and give you fruits.

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