Buddha Quotes On Karma | Top 10 & Interpretations
Buddha quotes on karma shed light on how our actions and intentions have consequences, no matter how small or big they are.
The Buddha, a revered spiritual figure, comprehended that we create our reality through our thoughts and actions.
In this article, I have curated the top 10 Buddha quotes on karma to provide guidance on your life journey, drawing upon the wisdom shared in spiritual counseling. Following these profound insights on karma from the Buddha, you will also find scientific explanations and interpretations of karma across various religions such as Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity.
Top 10 quotes from the Buddha about karma

This Buddha quote on karma explains how powerful our mind is. If you can control your thoughts, you can shape the course of your life. The quality of your life is determined by your thoughts. You have the power to create your reality if you master your thoughts. Through spirituality we learn how to access our inner power and learn how to make life happen FOR US instead of life happening TO US.

Karma is not only about our actions, but also about the quality of our thoughts and intentions. So if an action is done without bad intention, it does not carry karma. On the other hand, if a good deed is done with bad intentions, you make bad karma for yourself. This shows the importance and the power of our thoughts and intentions!


The Buddha shares his wisdom on how to free yourself from karma. In this quote he speaks about stillness….. the void….. emptiness. Therefore by learning how to let go of anger, and detach from joy and other addictive emotions, you liberate yourself. You are free when you are no longer driven and carried away by your thoughts and impulsive emotions.
Related: Life Force Energy

This quote from the Buddha about good karma suggests that we should do good actions with good intentions. We should love each other, be compassionate and kind toward each other. This way our heart will be filled with joy and positive emotions. And we make ourselves good karma, as what we put out in the Universe, we receive back.

This Buddha quote about karma explains that if you reform yourself and change your bad actions, you are able to change your karma. This quote encourages us as it shows that it’s never too late to change your behaviors. By working on ourselves and improving ourselves, we are able to transform and do good in our world.
Be kind, Be LIGHT
Be compassionate, Be LOVE.
The following Buddha quotes on karma speak about good deeds, evil deeds, and the cycle of birth, death and rebirth.
The selfish actions of mankind are driven by ego which blinds us and we get attached to our desires. As a result we end up harming others with our selfish actions. We fail to realize that the ego is never satisfied, and we cannot find inner peace through egoic desires.
If we cause others pain by our selfish acts, we make bad karma for our spirit, and we pay for this in future lives. We get stuck in a loop and cycle of birth, death and rebirth, creating our own suffering from bad karma accumulated from previous lives. So the path to freedom is to awaken to the ultimate reality and stop living our lives through our ego.




How karma is interpreted in Science, Buddhism, Hindu, Islam and Christianity
In Science –
Our thoughts and emotions carry a vibrational frequency. So we send a vibrational message to the universe even with just a thought. These vibrational waves determine your vibrational frequency as a human being. The vibrational universe that we live in, matches you up with vibrational frequencies that you are vibrating at as a human being. This can be interpreted as your karma. Moreover, Newton’s third law of motion can also be applied into this philosophy as it states that “for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”.
In Buddhism and Hindu –
Buddhists and Hindus believe in a system where the universal causal law determines the future modes of an individual’s existence, depending on good or bad actions done in their present life. In a nutshell, karma means that future births and life situations are conditioned by actions performed during one’s previous life.
In Christianity and Islam –
Christians and Muslims believe that God is aware of all of our thoughts and actions, as God is Omniscient. People across different cultures call God by different names and representations. Both Christians and Muslims believe that God will pass judgement and you will be punished or rewarded depending on your actions.
So let’s say God, Allah, the Universe, or Source Energy (energy is vibrational), call it whichever you like – we can see the same meaning as explained in science interpreted differently across different cultures.
In other words, Creator is aware of all of our thoughts, and no thought or action goes unnoticed as each thought carries a vibration, and the Universe matches you up with that vibration. We make our own karma as consequences of our actions can be either rewardable or punishable, depending on the nature of our actions.
This bible verse also speaks about the nature of karma:
“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Matthew 7:1-2
In this verse from the Bible, Jesus teaches the importance of refraining from judgment towards others. He warns that when we pass judgment on others, we invite judgment upon ourselves.
The measure with which we judge others will be used to judge us in return. Jesus encourages us to show compassion, understanding, and forgiveness instead of harsh judgment, reminding us that we are all imperfect and in need of grace. This verse reminds us to leave the task of judgment to God and focus on cultivating love and empathy towards others.
“I am the owner of my actions, heir to my actions, born of my actions, related through my actions, and have my actions as my arbitrator. Whatever I do, for good or for evil, to that will I fall heir.” – Buddha
Karma is the consequence of past actions depending on good or bad deeds. It gives us the opportunity to heal and learn spiritual lessons through life circumstances and relationships. Karma keeps repeating itself until we learn the lesson. That’s why sometimes we get stuck in the same pattern.
“When action comes out of nothing it creates no karma.” – Buddha.