Spiritual Awakening | An Experience That Changed My Entire Life
Did you know that meditation can lead to spiritual awakening?
Have you ever heard about this life changing experience?
If you have experienced a spiritual awakening, you know exactly what I’m talking about. For those who are new to this term, I will explain to you all about it.
It’s a mind blowing experience that transformed my whole being and changed my entire life!
This profound experience forged a deep connection with God within me. It empowered me to surrender to my life purpose, follow my intuition, and remain receptive to the abundance that the universe bestows.
Let’s delve deeper into what meditation is, and how it can lead to spiritual awakening.
How mindful meditation can lead to spiritual awakening
Many people associate meditation and spirituality together, perhaps because they associate meditation with Buddhism or other religions that practice this discipline. However, for many others, meditation and spirituality are a completely different thing.
Take me for example, I started meditating just because my life coach told me to, to help me manage my emotions, anxiety and negative thoughts.
At first I was quite skeptical about it, and I felt stupid closing my eyes for 10 minutes with my life coach in the room. But I sat there, listening to myself in my head, questioning what I’m doing.
I did feel extremely relieved after ending the session I have to say. So I started reading about the scientific evidence of meditation and its benefits. Back then, I was an atheist so I needed empirical evidence and explanations of how and why meditation was beneficial.
Learning about all the different benefits of meditation encouraged me to continue practicing it, and I started doing it on my own as I found it calming.
Initially I didn’t really see any difference, but the more I practiced it, I realized that I started having more clarity with a strengthened sense of intuition. It became easier to make conscious and better decisions, rather than being reactive to certain emotional triggers and impulses.
My first glimpse of spiritual awakening
I was happy that I had finally found a tool to help me ground myself and manage my anxiety. It gave me a sense of calmness and inner peace. I thought meditation was just about that, until I experienced something that changed my entire life.
It was a hot sunny day so I went to the beach by myself after work. I was completely alone so I decided to lay down and started meditating.
After just a few minutes, I felt like an explosion of love flourishing through every cell of my body. I felt a great appreciation for my body functioning to keep me alive, and for life itself. I realized that there was a greater intelligence within me, an intelligence that was keeping my body alive without me having to think about it. I found myself in a state of bliss with tears rolling down my face out of joy.
It was overwhelmingly beautiful and I couldn’t continue meditating.
Back then, I didn’t know what had just happened to me. I tried researching this phenomenon but I couldn’t find much information about it. It was the best feeling and experience that I ever had, and I couldn’t find words to describe it.
I kept having this experience every now and then, and I felt like I was going through a big transformation without actually knowing what’s happening. From that point onward, nothing else mattered and I was on a quest to find out more about these blissful experiences. So I want to share with you what I have learned about meditation and spirituality.

What is Spiritual Meditation?
The principle of meditation is to focus your attention on your breath or a mantra. Your job is to catch yourself drifting away into a stream of thoughts and internal dialogue, and bring your attention back to your breath or repeated mantra. As you engage into this exercise, you are training your mind to become still, and shift your attention away from the internal mental clutter that hides the depths of who you are.
Just like any other skill that we learn, the more you practice meditation, the better you get at it. Practicing meditation expands your awareness and shifts your perception, as you stop seeing the world through a tainted filter.
With time, it becomes easier to detach from your thoughts and you create space between the self and the mind. At that point you realize that you are not your thoughts, and you are not your mind. So who is actually listening and watching?
Mindful Meditation can expand your consciousness and you develop a deeper understanding of who you are. As you transcend, you become in touch with your inner Light, true essence.
Learn about the difference between Hypnosis VS Meditation.
What happens when you practice spiritual meditation?
As you become better at observing your thoughts instead of engaging into the thought process, you become aware that Consciousness itself is watching the thoughts on an internal screen.
Spiritual meditation helps you become aware of who you really are, stripped of all the false perceptions you had of yourself and your world. It brings to your conscious mind the eternal truth, and you surrender and let go of all that had happened in the past and what’s in store for you in the future.
You become aware of the present moment and you learn that there is nothing else but the present moment which you find solace in.
In the process of letting go and becoming comfortable with the unknown, you let go of the need to control external circumstances, which we all know is exhausting. This leaves you in a state of pure joy and inner peace, and a feeling of love and light warms up your entire being.
How can meditation and spirituality help me throughout my life?
Spiritual meditation can be very beneficial especially when it comes to managing compulsive negative thinking, anxiety and unpleasant emotions. When we are not fully identified with our thoughts, we are less carried away by them and find it easier to manage our emotions.
Through meditation, we are able to bring to our awareness unconscious aspects of our personality. Psychiatrist Carl Jung defined this as the shadow, referring to the dark aspect of our psyche. Our shadow can be destructive and dangerous when repressed and projected. When we shed light as we bring these aspects to our conscious mind, we are able to work with them and resolve them.
Of course, this process is not to be taken lightly as it’s very challenging when it comes to dealing with our shadows. It feels extremely uncomfortable and the mind naturally resists this change and transformation as its job is to protect you and keep you safe from any potential threats.
Spiritual meditation helps throughout this process as you expand your self-awareness and at the same time, you are training yourself to be less reactive and impulsive. As you learn how to become more still, especially when observing challenging thoughts, you strengthen your sense of discipline and control over your actions.
Engaging in this practice results in dramatic changes within you, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. You learn how to slow down, focus within, and become aware of your true essence. It helps you unplug from the frenetic energy surrounding us and listen to what your body is saying.

How meditation can lead to spiritual awakening and enlightenment
The practice of meditation has Buddhist roots as it emerged from the Buddha’s insights about the nature of existence, the causes of suffering, happiness and inner peace, and guidelines to live a wholesome and fulfilling life.
Meditation practices have now spread to other religions beyond Asian countries, and are more widely available than ever before. Mindful meditation can lead to profound insights and spiritual awakening.
So what does it mean to spiritually awaken? A spiritual awakening is an expansion of consciousness that dissolves the filtering of our perception through our ego. It’s like you have just woken up from a dream world where you filter everything through your ego and focus on the past and the future, missing out on the present moment.
What happens after a spiritual awakening?
A spiritual awakening strengthens your sense of intuition and you start seeing signs from the universe which you weren’t able to recognize before. You start feeling a sense of oneness with the universe and all beings as it dissolves the illusion of separation and individualism. All of a sudden, you start making sense out of everything, and you feel like everything will fall into place.
When you experience this expansion of consciousness, you start trusting the universe and the divine plan, and you have a sense of knowing in your heart and your soul, which was clouded by fears projected by the ego. It becomes easier for you to become comfortable with the unknown and you feel like you will be okay no matter what happens.
A spiritual awakening is truly a life changing experience that transforms your entire being. You lose interest in materialistic, irrelevant things of this world. You start contemplating about life and develop a thirst for wisdom. It might lead to big changes in your life, like quitting your job, losing friends, ending a relationship, embarking on a mission to fulfill your soul’s purpose, and sharing what you have learned with the rest of the world.
People who have spiritually awakened feel the need to share their insights and experiences with others to help them wake up and realize what a beautiful universe we are all living in. It’s not easy to stay positive and feel whole if you look at the news and all the horrible things happening in some places on this planet. In fact, the need to practice spiritual meditation comes from an innate longing to see beyond the chaotic world surrounding us.
A spiritual awakening is truly liberating, it unfolds the magic that lies under our noses without us being aware of it. As all species continue to evolve, consciousness continues to expand. I personally cannot wait until many others have awakened to the ultimate reality and realize that there is more to life than meets the eye. Only then can we dream of having a world where peace and love reign our societies.
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