Dalai Lama Quotes On Peace of Mind

Dalai Lama peace of mind quotes

Dalai Lama Quotes On Peace of Mind

Top 10 inner peace Dalai Lama quotes

The Dalai Lama is the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism and travels around the world to teach humanity about peace, love and compassion. Dalai Lama quotes on peace of mind are inspirational and help us cultivate inner peace.

Peace of mind cannot be achieved through egoic desires and materialistic things. Buddhist monks practice letting go of their desires to achieve peace of mind by detaching from the ego.

These are the top 10 Dalai Lama quotes on peace of mind:

Dalai Lama quote on peace of mind & modern life
Dalai Lama quote on peace of mind & modern life

Most people chase the wrong goals and try to find inner peace through materialistic possessions, beauty, power, and success. This inner peace Dalai Lama quote explains that modern society focuses on artificial goals. But to find peace of mind, you need to go within yourself as inner peace can be found within.

Dalai Lama quote on peace of mind, wealth & happiness
Dalai Lama quote on peace of mind, wealth & happiness
Dalai Lama quote peace of mind
Dalai Lama quote on peace of mind

Seeking happiness outside of us means that our happiness and sense of inner peace depends on materialistic things. No matter how many shiny things you have, and how big is your bank account, if you don’t have peace of mind you cannot enjoy them.

This Dalai Lama quote on peace of mind sheds on light on the fact that it’s easy to feel inner peace and happiness when everything is going well. If our sense of inner peace is derived from external things, it’s difficult to have peace of mind during challenging life circumstances. By focusing on true happiness that comes from within, we will be able to stay peaceful and joyful no matter what life brings along with it.

Related: Life Force Energy

Dalai Lama quote on peace of mind
Inner peace Dalai Lama quote
Inner peace Dalai Lama quote

This inner peace Dalai Lama quote speaks about the fact that unpleasant emotions are natural, and a part of our human experience. Practicing positive thinking (emotional hygiene) and being aware of our own emotions, gives us the power to manage and deal with our destructive emotions to achieve peace of mind.

Dalai lama quote peace of mind, love & compassion
Dalai Lama quote peace of mind, love & compassion

A beautiful inner peace Dalai Lama quote about love, compassion and peace of mind. By becoming aware of what we are made of, feeling love and compassion for each other becomes effortless. Love and compassion becomes our natural state of being.

For Love is what we are made of, our natural state of being. Throughout human evolution, the ego took over and distorted our reality, making us forget who we are and lose touch with our true essence.

The Dalai Lama explains that we can perceive love as a wish for others to be happy. And we can perceive compassion as a wish for others to be free from emotional pain and suffering. By cultivating love and compassion within ourselves, we find ourselves in a joyful state of being, good health and peace of mind.

Dalai lama quote peace of mind & anger
Dalai Lama quote peace of mind & anger
Dalai lama quote peace of mind,  happiness & spiritual practice
Dalai Lama quote peace of mind, happiness & spiritual practice

A powerful Dalai Lama quote on peace of mind where he explains that if we embrace and appreciate our day to day existence, and the life energy within us, we will find it easier to calm our minds.

Most often we worry about the future and fear what may come our way. But we don’t realize that these are just speculative thoughts and not our present reality. These kinds of thoughts distract us, and disrupt our inner peace.

By feeling grateful for each and every moment, we will find it easier to have a peaceful mind and live a happy and joyful life.

Inner peace Dalai Lama quote & anger
Inner peace Dalai Lama quote & anger

This inner peace Dalai Lama quote explains that everything is connected. Our actions affect one another, no matter how insignificant you think your actions might be. When we lose ourselves in anger and resentment we disrupt our peace of mind.

It’s easier to find inner peace by being more compassionate with each other, and by viewing the world through this perspective, where everything is connected and interdependent.

Dalai Lama peace of mind quote, compassion & anger
Dalai Lama peace of mind quote, compassion & anger

As the Dalai Lama explains in this peace of mind quote, anger doesn’t bring any positive outcomes. It’s okay to feel angry as we shouldn’t repress our feelings. But feeling and releasing anger is not the same as acting upon it.

When you feel unpleasant emotions like anger, jealousy, resentment, emotional pain, among other difficult emotions, sit with those feelings and let them move through you. That way you can let them surface, release them, and let them go. Repressing or resisting these feelings will only push them down further and can lead to physical illnesses.

Be brave, sit with yourself, sit with the uncomfortable thoughts and work your way through them, be still. The moment you bring Consciousness into your life, the moment you become present in everything you are doing, the moment you surrender your thoughts, worries and desires, you allow yourself to find inner peace by making peace with what is.


What does Dalai Lama say about peace of mind?

The Dalai Lama’s message about peace of mind involves gratitude for each day, love and compassion for people all over the world. By letting go of anger and acting from a place of love, we can be more compassionate with each and have peace of mind.

What are some famous Dalai Lama quotes on peace of mind?

Some of the most famous Dalai Lama quotes:
-“Anger is the ultimate destroyer of your own peace of mind.”
-“Modern life and modern education are focused on external goals — peace of mind concerns the mind within.”
-“No matter how educated or wealthy you are, if you don’t have peace of mind, you won’t be happy.”

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