Suffering Buddha Quotes | Top 10

boy monk with candles and buddha statue behind him

Suffering Buddha Quotes | Top 10

Here are the top 10 Suffering Buddha quotes that shed light on how we can end self-inflicted suffering.

Life comes with ups and downs, it’s part of our human experience on this planet. Even though it can be challenging, we can choose how we feel and how perceive life circumstances.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. Our soul incarnates in this physical realm to learn life lessons and move towards liberation and freedom of suffering.

#1 Suffering Buddha quote on happiness

Suffering Buddha quote on happiness
Suffering Buddha quote on life & happiness

If we have to wait until we have zero problems and challenges in our lives to be happy, we would never find peace and joy.

Happiness, sadness, life obstacles, emotional pain, physical pain…..these are all part of being human. We cannot wait for our lives to be perfect to find happiness.

True strength and happiness come with acceptance of what is. That way we are able to go with the flow of life and face challenging situations with strength, clarity and resilience. These qualities will empower you to overcome whatever comes your way and keep moving forward through your life journey.

#2 Buddha attachment suffering quote

Buddha attachment suffering quote
Buddha attachment & suffering quote

#3 Suffering Buddha quote on attachment, emotions and suffering

Buddha attachment suffering quote
Buddha attachment suffering quote

Emotional attachment leads to suffering. Pleasant feelings like satisfaction, praise, success etc… fade away as life circumstances change. And feelings of guilt, shame, sadness, pain, suffering etc… are also temporary.

Keeping this in mind helps you be patient and resilient during challenging life situations and difficult emotions.

#4 Suffering Buddha quote and compassion

Suffering Buddha quote and compassion
Suffering Buddha quote & compassion

Being compassionate with yourself is important. Sometimes we are too hard on ourselves and we drown ourselves in feelings guilt and shame. Forgive yourself for your mistakes and learn from them.

Empathizing with others and being compassionate with them help us understand each other and live together in harmony. It’s important to keep in mind that we are all unique and just because something seems bearable to us, does not mean that it should be for others.

#5 Suffering Buddha quote on the power of our mind and our thoughts

Suffering Buddha quote on our thoughts
Suffering Buddha quote on our thoughts

This suffering Buddha quote is very powerful as it explains the power of your own mind and thoughts.

It’s important to be mindful of your thoughts and choose to think positively. You create your own reality through your thoughts, emotions, followed by your actions. If you fail to realize this, it’s easy to get lost in compulsive thinking and let external circumstances control you and dictate your life.

By choosing your thoughts and how you react to life challenges, you gain control on your life path instead of being a victim to your own negative thoughts and self-inflicted suffering.

Related: Life Force Energy

#6 Buddha quote about life and suffering

Buddha quote life and suffering
Buddha quote life and suffering

Experiencing pain is part of being human. In this Buddha quote about life and suffering we can see that most often we add a layer to our pain by our perceptions and resistance to things.

Acceptance always helps us find inner peace even during difficult life situations. Acceptance of what is eases suffering and helps endure the pain created by this world.

#7 Buddha quote about end of suffering

Buddha end of suffering quote
Buddha end of suffering quote

#8 Buddha quote about end of suffering and enlightenment

Suffering Buddha quote end of suffering & enlightenment
Suffering Buddha quote end of suffering & enlightenment

These two Buddha end of suffering quotes speak about duality, a still mind, emotional attachment and enlightenment.

We live in a world of duality, a world where opposites exist like:

  • happiness & sadness
  • peace & war
  • good & evil
  • black & white
  • ego & soul
  • separateness & oneness

When you experience a spiritual awakening or enlightenment, you start seeing beyond the dual world that we live in. You stop perceiving things through your ego and feel connected with all beings with a sense of oneness.

Enlightenment or spiritual awakening accompanied with a still mind, clairvoyance and emotional detachment help you understand things which you couldn’t make sense out of before. You start seeing a purpose even behind your own suffering.

The Buddha explains that when you detach from your ego, you don’t take criticism personally, you’re not a prisoner to your bodily cravings or overwhelmed by emotions. This means that you are in your last body of reincarnation, you have awakened and free from suffering.

#9 Suffering Buddha quote about acceptance

Suffering Buddha quote & acceptance
Suffering Buddha quote & acceptance

#10 Suffering Buddha quote about letting go and acceptance of what is

Suffering Buddha quote on letting go & acceptance
Suffering Buddha quote on letting go & acceptance

In this suffering Buddha quote we can see that by trying to control the uncontrollable, we create more pain for ourselves.

Practicing acceptance and letting go of our desires or the need to control external situations is one of the most challenging things we must learn to do if we want to have peace of mind.

Resisting things we have no control over only adds more suffering whatever the circumstances might be. Learning how to manage your emotions and letting go will help you go with the natural flow of life and find inner peace.


What does the Buddha recommend for suffering?

The Buddha explained that by letting go and making peace with what is we can end our suffering. Through mindful meditation, you can learn how to manage difficult emotions like anger and resentment and find inner peace. Acceptance and letting go help to relieve some suffering in life.

Did the Buddha say that life is suffering?

The Buddha says that pain in life is inevitable but suffering is optional. Suffering is caused by resisting present life circumstances, selfish cravings and personal desires. By overcoming our egoic desires which can never be satisfied, we transcend and find inner peace.

What does the Buddha say about pain and suffering?

The Buddha understood that suffering is expected in life. Buddhists believe that when one experiences pain without emotional distress, one can attain higher states of being. Wishing that things were different always adds an additional layer of suffering to our worldly pain.

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