Signs You’re Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

a girl solo traveling in a field with green grass next to her car putting her hands up with the sky with joy, signs you're healing from narcissistic abuse
Love & Relationships

Signs You’re Healing From Narcissistic Abuse

Navigating the recovery process from narcissistic abuse can be challenging. In this blog post, we will explore the ’12 Signs You’re Healing From Narcissistic Abuse.’

These indicators will help you understand your progress and inspire you to continue the journey towards a healthier and more empowered self.

If you’re interested in healing from narcissistic abuse, I warmly welcome you to my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program. It’s an easy self-paced online course which you can do at your own pace. My signature program combines scientific and spiritual tools for holistic healing of the body, mind, and spirit.

12 Signs You’re Healing form Narcissistic Abuse

My healing journey from narcissistic abuse began gracefully, characterized by a gradual yet profound shift. While I was still in the relationship, I started doing the inner work to start healing from narcissistic abuse. This empowered me to end the relationship and continue on my healing journey.

Later on, the decisive step of cutting off all contact empowered me further, paving the way for my holistic healing.

Recognizing your journey’s progress is crucial. The following 12 signs you’re healing from narcissistic abuse will help illuminate your path, and affirm the strength you’ve discovered within during your healing process.

Let’s delve into the signs that signal this empowering transformation:

1. Reconnecting with yourself:

You’ve rediscovered the joy in engaging in old hobbies and activities that once filled your heart with delight.

I vividly recall, just days after ending the abusive relationship, finding myself alone in my apartment, singing spontaneously.

To my surprise, I realized I hadn’t sung a song for years. Singing has been something that I’ve enjoyed doing since childhood. It dawned on me then how much the relationship had been slowly draining my vitality, rendering me nearly unrecognizable to myself.

Related: Guided meditation for healing from narcissistic abuse

2. Improved relationship with yourself:

You’re learning how to nurture and prioritize self-care and self-love. I remember when I began to date myself. Initially, it felt somewhat awkward, so I eased into it with simple coffee dates.

Gradually, as I grew more comfortable, I escalated to lunch and dinner dates, and eventually found myself gleefully attending festivals alone. I enjoyed my company so much, that I started my new adventures of solo traveling.

The joy and liberation I experienced were utterly profound – I absolutely loved it!

3. Enjoying solitude:

Cherishing the peace that solitude brings is another sign that you’re healing from narcissistic abuse. Throughout my healing journey, I found myself increasingly drawn towards spending time alone.

It became an exploration of self, a journey of understanding my likes, dislikes, and my unique identity.

I was tired of wearing a facade, of molding myself into someone else’s idea of worthiness. Embracing my true self, basking in my own company, was a liberating and vital part of my healing process.

Related: Is My Husband a Narcissist Quiz

4. Recognizing manipulation:

You’ve developed the ability to discern manipulation, one of the 12 traits of narcissists. As a result, you started taking steps to protect yourself.

A strong sign that I was healing from narcissistic abuse was when I began to peel back the layers of deceit and lies, to which I had been blind before.

The realization was painful; I felt exploited, deceived, and naive. However, I navigated this difficult phase through self-forgiveness, understanding that I didn’t know better at the time.

What truly matters is learning from our past mistakes to make more informed, healthier decisions in the present and future.

5. Decreased guilt:

A sign of healing from narcissistic abuse is a significant reduction in unwarranted guilt. Being involved with a narcissist often means bearing the blame for everything.

‘Projection’ is a common trait on a narcissist’s checklist; they excel at making you feel culpable for all missteps.

No matter how hard you strive, you never seem to measure up, leading to a perpetual state of guilt – for words spoken, feelings felt, actions taken, and even for things left undone.

As you heal, this imposed guilt begins to fade, marking a crucial step in your recovery.

6. Reduced fear and anxiety:

Being trapped in such a toxic relationship often feels like perpetually walking on eggshells, living in fear of the next outburst or displeasing event.

Anxiety and physical pain were constant companions in my life, and my emotional stability was wholly reliant on him. I found myself yearning for his validation and attention, a common sign of trauma bonding.

However, a significant sign you’re healing from narcissistic abuse is the fading of this constant fear and anxiety. You come to understand that your value is intrinsic and not determined by others.

As you heal, you no longer live in constant fear and anxiety, replacing these feelings with a newfound sense of self-worth and calm. This helps you establish your emotional stability, and become more grounded and centered.

Related: How Does a Narcissist React When You Stop Chasing Them?

7. Inner peace:

An overall sense of calmness and peace in your daily life signals a massive leap in healing from narcissistic abuse.

I vividly remember a moment, sitting alone with a meal, watching the sea waves crash onto the rocks. For the first time in years, I was immersed in blissful silence. I was free from the belittling comments that once eroded my self-worth, the tormenting words that had made eating feel like a choking or nauseating ordeal.

As I let go of the harmful relationship and reconnected with my authentic Self, I found inner peace. This tranquility is a clear sign that you’re on the path of healing and recovery.

8. Assertiveness:

A powerful sign you’re healing from narcissistic abuse is feeling more comfortable asserting your needs and standing up for yourself.

My journey to becoming more assertive began with making small changes in my decision making. For example, expressing my food preferences when dining with friends or family, and deciding where I wanted to go or whom I wanted to hang out with.

This small-scale practice eventually built up my confidence to stand up for myself in larger matters, in every aspect of my life.

Related: How Does a Narcissist React When They Can’t Control You?

9. Self-compassion:

A significant milestone in healing is learning to treat yourself with kindness and forgiveness, understanding that the abuse was never your fault. This step is paramount in the healing journey.

Having been subjected to maltreatment for so long, you need to nurture those wounds and trauma with self-love and self-compassion. Be patient and gentle with yourself, acknowledging that there’s not just a wounded adult in you, but also a wounded inner child.

Often, individuals stuck in abusive and narcissistic relationships are grappling with unresolved inner child wounds related to neglect, rejection, and fear of abandonment.

Recognize that this wounded inner child is still very much alive within you, continuously seeking healing for what has not yet been resolved.

10. Healthy relationships:

Another sign you’re healing from narcissistic abuse is starting to forge and sustain healthier relationships with people who respect and appreciate you.

In the course of your healing journey, you learn to identify the qualities and values you cherish in others, and what you seek in partners and friends. You’ve become more discerning in choosing who you share your time with.

Gradually, you’re cultivating the courage to present your authentic self more frequently. Though it’s a work in progress, the important part is that you’re actively working towards it.

11. Confidence boost:

Recovery from narcissistic abuse often leads to a significant increase in self-esteem and confidence. Being in a relationship with a narcissist can severely erode your sense of self-worth.

Removing myself from his toxic energy and behavior was a catalyst for boosting my self-confidence. As I began to reflect on my true self, I embarked on a journey of self-improvement, learning new skills, embracing challenges, and investing in personal growth.

I was amazed at my own resilience, capacity, and ability to develop new competencies and achieve far more than I ever thought possible – far beyond the limited beliefs he had imposed upon me.

12. Optimistic about the future:

A clear indicator among the signs you’re healing from narcissistic abuse is the resurgence of optimism for your future. You start to formulate plans centered around your happiness and well-being.

Throughout my healing journey, I recall the excitement of setting goals, working toward achieving them, attending new events, traveling, and nurturing new aspirations.

This newfound hope and enthusiasm for the future truly mark a significant stride in your healing process.

Related: Things Covert Narcissists Say

Wrapping Up: Enhancing the Signs You’re Healing from Narcissistic Abuse

Remember that healing from narcissistic abuse is a journey, one that may not always be linear.

By working toward and increasing the signs you’re healing from narcissistic abuse, you’re nurturing your resilience and capacity to reclaim your life. You’re rediscovering self-love, establishing healthy relationships, and building a hopeful, self-determined future. You’re not alone in this journey, and it’s okay to seek help and support.

If you’re ready to take the next step in your healing journey, consider joining my recovery program. It’s designed to provide the education, guidance, and tools to thrive after narcissistic abuse.

My Related Services:

Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program: Join a structured program that provides tools, resources, and guidance to help you navigate and heal from the impact of narcissistic abuse.

Mindfulness Meditation Practice: Discover the power of mindfulness with me as your meditation teacher. This practice has been a transformative tool in helping me gain mental clarity, rebuild self-trust, and respond consciously rather than reacting impulsively. Book a free call today and learn how mindfulness can calm your nervous system and bring peace into your life.

Email Advice: Get guidance, insights, and support directly to your inbox.


What are the signs you’re healing from narcissistic abuse?

The signs you’re healing from narcissistic abuse include:
1. Reconnecting with yourself
2. Improved relationship with yourself
3. Enjoying solitude
4. Recognizing manipulation
5. Decreased guilt
6. Reduced fear and anxiety
7. Inner peace
8. Assertiveness
9. Self-compassion
10. Healthy relationships
11. Confidence boost
12. Optimism for the future

What is the first step in healing from narcissistic abuse?

The first step in healing from narcissistic abuse is acknowledging and accepting that you have been in an abusive relationship. This awareness allows you to start prioritizing your own well-being and seeking support.

What are triggers when recovering from narcissistic abuse?

Triggers during recovery from narcissistic abuse can vary but often involve reminders of past trauma, certain behaviors or situations that resemble the abuse, or encountering the abuser. Triggers may cause anxiety, fear, or emotional distress. Developing coping mechanisms and seeking therapy can help manage and overcome triggers.

Additional Resources:

Narcissistic Abuse Therapy
Self Healing From Narcissistic Abuse 
Narcissist Red Flags
How to Deal with a Narcissist
Weird Things Covert Narcissists Do

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