Recipe For Achieving Goals | 10 Steps To Success
What’s the best recipe for achieving goals? Only a small percentage of the population is successful in achieving goals. For many people goals are just dreams or just wishful thinking. They fail to realize that their goals can actually become their reality.
I want you to know that goals and dreams no matter how big they might be, can be broken down into small steps. Reaching the summit of success can’t be accomplished overnight; it takes dedication and patience to reach one’s goals. Having a recipe for achieving goals serves as an action plan to guide you along the way to achieve your goals.
Until we connect, check out these 10 simple steps to success so you can create your own recipe for achieving goals and give it a touch of your own personal flavor:
#1 Get clear on your goals

Many of us tend to talk about goals and say to our friends and family what we would like achieve. However, a common mistake which I keep seeing repeatedly is setting the wrong goals.
Setting the wrong goals is like booking a holiday to an unknown destination which makes you feel extremely disappointed when you get there. You realize that you’ve wasted your money, time and energy getting there. It just wasn’t worth it or what you expected.
So before you start working towards achieving your goals, ask yourself if that’s really what you want.
- Is this goal aligned with your values and who you are?
- Will this goal make you feel fulfilled or temporarily satisfied?
- What are you trying to achieve by reaching this goal?
- How do you think you would feel when you achieve this goal?
- Is it the feeling you’re looking for?
Question yourself to understand at a deeper level why you want to achieve this goal. If you’re going to put the work into it, make sure it’s worth it!
#2 Write it down
Okay so now you’ve done some soul searching and you’ve established what goals you would like to achieve. The second step in the recipe for achieving goals might sound simple and basic. But don’t underestimate its power!
Writing down your goals makes them more real. Everything starts with a thought, even the biggest inventions in the world. Research suggests that our brains produce around 6,200 thoughts every day, so make it stand out.
By writing down your goals, you start giving them energy. At a subconscious level, your brain starts taking this thought more seriously. Your brain is super smart and it recognizes that you’ve taken the time, energy, and effort to put this thought into something tangible by writing it down.
Since it acknowledges that this goal thought is important to you, it starts working up a framework to help you get there.
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#3 Identify what skills & resources you need

The whole point of having a recipe is to let you know what ingredients you need to create your dish. The same applies to the recipe for achieving goals. It’s okay if you realize that you don’t have the skills and resources yet.
Setting big goals beyond your current set of skills means that you’re willing to grow and learn new things.
Discover what you need to learn and what resources you need to help you achieve your goal. By investing in yourself, you’re making yourself more valuable in whatever area you decide to grow. Self-investment is an act of self-love and a determination for personal growth.
Related article: How Does Self Awareness Help Boost Your Confidence? | 5 Ways To Achieve Your Goals
#4 Create a plan with deadlines

Cool now you’ve got your ingredients set up. Now you need to think about the method. Creating an action plan helps you break down your goal into small manageable tasks. Otherwise, the goal can seem so out of reach that you will feel overwhelmed and give up before you even started.
Deadlines can be painful I know! But giving yourself deadlines puts a bit of pressure on yourself to make sure that you start taking actions. Having an approximate timeline of when you would like to achieve your goal, and how much time each step will take is crucial.
A timeline ensures that you are taking action and allows you to assess your progress.
#5 Get busy and start taking action
Now that you have a clear vision of what you need to do to achieve your goal, and how much time it will take, it’s time to get busy. Taking continuous action is essential if you want to be successful and achieve your goals.
Many people start working on their goals but get distracted along the way. Life is full of distractions and challenges. Perseverance, resilience and determination are important qualities that will help you keep moving forward and make things happen.
#6 Be self-disciplined

Life can bring about many challenges that make you want to quit. You might get disappointed along the way or you get lazy and comfortable. Many people sign up for gym memberships, yet only a few are determined enough to keep going. Being self-disciplined is essential to help you build momentum.
If you start working towards your goals and stop half way through, it’s like you started baking a cake and decided to stop mid-way and throw it out. What’s the point?
Push yourself to keep taking action. If you stopped and quit for an amount of time, it’s never too late to pick up from where you left off.
#7 Get ready to learn from your mistakes
Making mistakes is inevitable. Sure you’ve got a recipe for achieving goals, but surely even the best chefs have burnt their dishes before perfecting them.
Accepting the fact that you will make mistakes along the way makes the journey more pleasant and less painful. So the quicker you accept that, the easier it will be for you to move forward.
If you don’t make mistakes it means you’re not trying. The main difference between successful people and quitters is the ability to keep pushing through even when they realize they made mistakes.
Start viewing your mistakes as an opportunity for growth and learning. You have an opportunity to make yourself better, sharper and stronger with every lesson that you learn. That’s where growth happens.
Sure, nobody enjoys making mistakes but having a good sense of humor and a sense of determination helps you stay on track.
#8 Visualize (Self-induced VR)

Why does everyone talk about visualization these days? Because it works! The brain is smart, but it cannot tell the difference between reality and imaginative visuals. Have you ever tried VR?
With creative visualization you’re practically doing the same thing, and the more realistic it is, the better. You’re basically practicing self-induced VR to help yourself stay motivated as your mind cultivates how you will feel when you achieve your goal.
Emotion is energy in motion and it will help you stay action oriented towards your goals and motivated to keep pushing through whatever comes your way.
Visualizing how you would be and feel when you achieve your goal will help you become unstoppable. Mind blowing right?
#9 Celebrate small successes
This step is also a way to keep yourself motivated. Acknowledging and rewarding yourself for small achievements works wonders. It fuels you up and helps you stay loyal to your goals.
Each and every step you take no matter how small it is, is what helps you get to your destination and achieve your goal. But keep in mind that achieving your goals is not just about the destination, it’s about the journey and who you’ve become.
So make sure to celebrate small victories and make your journey more enjoyable!
#10 Stay focused and build momentum
Focus is key to your success. It’s a skill that many people lack. There are many distractions where you can get lost along the way. So staying sharp and focused will help you build momentum and be successful in whatever you put your mind to.
You need to make sure that you are focusing on the right things. Where focus goes, energy flows. So if you’re wasting your time focusing on things that don’t matter, you’re just putting more energy into them.
Here’s a list of things that most people end up focusing on which disrupts their recipe for achieving goals:
- failures or mistakes
- comparing to what other people are doing
- what others want from them
- negative chatter in their head
- what they’re not doing
Every time you catch yourself focusing on the wrong things, make the conscious choice to shift your attention back to your goal. Focus on what you need to be doing and start hustling.
If you want to make things happen, stave positive minded, follow this recipe for achieving goals, and watch your dreams become your reality.
#Bonus Tip

Working with a coach or mentor can be an invaluable recipe for success. Coaches and mentors provide support, guidance, and accountability as you work towards achieving your goals.
They can help keep you motivated when times are tough and celebrate the successes along the way. With the right coach or mentor by your side, you’ll be able to set fulfilling goals and stay on track no matter what comes your way.
Follow these 10 steps as a recipe for success and achieving your goals:
1. Get clear on your goals
2. Write them down
3. Identify skills & resources
4. Create an action plan & deadlines
5. Take action
6. Self-discipline
7. Learn from mistakes
8. Self-induced VR
9. Celebrate small successes
10. Stay focused & build momentum