How To Let Go Of Fear | Transcending Fear & Doubt Through Faith
Fear is a universal emotion that gets to the best of us. I’m not talking about legitimate fear where you are physically in danger and you feel an urge to protect your own survival. I am talking about the self-inflicted fear that we torture ourselves with in our minds. So how do you let go of fear? What can you do to overcome it?
I’ve had my own experience with fear lately which inspired me to write this article for you. Even though I had done it before, and I’ve been reading and following step by step what you’re supposed to do to let go of fear, I just couldn’t get there this time.
Coming out of the dark tunnel I was stuck in, I want to share my insights with you which helped me let go of fear and manifest miracles once again in my life.
7 Steps on how to let go of fear and doubt:
![a dose of positivity a day helps keep the fear away](
1# A dose of positivity a day, helps keep the fear away
Having a positive mindset is essential to let go of fear. Why? Because we create our reality through our thoughts, beliefs, feelings and perceptions.
Quantum physics shows how our reality changes depending on our perception. I know it sounds bizarre, and this evidence has left physicists and philosophers astounded. Researchers at the Weizmann Institute of Science found that states of electrons are changed and altered depending on the act of watching. This is called as the ‘observer effect’ as the observer influences the outcome and how the electrons behave.
And guess what? Even you are made of electrons… We’re all made of atoms, which are made of electrons, protons, and neutrons. So by changing how you observe and perceive yourself and the world around you, your whole world changes.
If things are not going your way, act consciously. It’s important that you invite awareness into your life and be present as much as possible, especially during challenging times.
Negative thoughts carry a dense energy, they weigh down on you. One negative thought attracts another negative thought. Before you know it, you find yourself going down the spiral of negativity. And there’s no way you can let go of fear if you’re stuck in a negative vibe. Fear and a negative state of mind only lead to more self-sabotage talk and self-doubt.
But what if you are consciously focusing on positive things, yet fear keeps creeping in and filling your head with doubt? What if your reality keeps giving you more of what you don’t want?
#2 Identify inner core beliefs & your real source of fear
Consciously focusing on positive things sometimes is not enough. You might find yourself in a situation where you’re constantly working on strengthening your positive mindset.
Yet for some reason life keeps giving you what you don’t want. This is a strong indication that your subconscious inner core beliefs are not aligned with your conscious positive thoughts. Inner core beliefs are stored in your subconscious which makes it hard to get to the bottom of your real source of fear.
For example, let’s say you are working on a project or you are working on creating something. You find yourself stuck and struggling in your creative process. Self-doubt creeps in and you feel lost, questioning your skills and unique qualities. Fear paralyzes you and if you don’t identify the real source of your fear, it can take years to let go and break through your self-limitations.
At surface level it might seem that you are just fearful of failing. Or you fear that your creation is not good enough. But so what if you fail? And so what if your product is not good enough? What’s stopping you from trying… failing… learning… and doing it all over again? By learning from your experiences, you have the opportunity to create something better.
This fear could be coming from a fear of rejection. Or that you are scared that by following your heart, it will lead to failure and suffering. Which means that you don’t trust yourself. You might feel that you are not good enough and struggle with low self esteem. Or that you do not deserve success and abundance because you feel unworthy.
These are all inner core beliefs that we pick up from our environment, mostly during our childhood. So the fear that is blocking your creative process is not the fear of failing. But what it would mean for you if you fail.
#3 Release limiting inner core beliefs & learn new ones
![the universe is like a mirror](
Once you become aware of your real source of fear, you can start working on letting go of your fear and self doubt. Otherwise, you stay running in circles and taking paths which lead to dead ends. This can be extremely frustrating and it can show up in different aspects of your life.
Life keeps giving you the same lessons until you learn the lesson and start making different choices. The universe keeps matching you up with people and situations that point to your limiting beliefs to wake you up and transcend your deepest fears.
If you’ve ever been stuck in a toxic cycle where you keep attracting toxic partners who leave you feeling heart broken, unloved and unworthy, it’s an indication that your inner core beliefs are that you are unworthy. You keep seeking validation from external sources, which of course leads to disaster.
By unlearning these false beliefs that you believe about yourself, your whole world changes. You project your inner beliefs into your reality. Have you ever heard the bible verse:
“As above, so below”
Matthew 6:10
My interpretation of this quote by Jesus is that whatever you see in your reality, reflects who you believe you are within your mind. So what kind of beliefs would you like to program in your mind? And how can you do it when everything in your reality re-affirms these beliefs?
#4 Empty your mind & focus on the present moment
I know how hard it can be to change your inner core beliefs, I’ve been there! But if I managed to do it, so can you. When focusing on positive things is not enough to let go of fear and doubt, use techniques to calm down your mental clutter and empty your mind.
Stop trying to control your mind to focus on anything. Use techniques that connect you with yourself and be in the present moment. People are different so what works for me doesn’t necessarily work for you.
Know yourself and spend some time doing what you enjoy doing in a way that nourishes your soul. (Stay away from binge-eating, watching Netflix for hours, or any compulsive behavioral patterns that distract you). You don’t want to distract yourself, you want to be FULLY PRESENT in the present moment.
Related: The Law of Detachment
Here’s a list of examples which you can try:
- Meditation
- Breath work
- Yoga
- Sitting in nature, focusing on your surroundings
- Dancing
- Playing an instrument
- Painting
- Running
- Swimming
#5 Take aligned actions to fully let go of fear
Okay so you’ve cultivated a positive mindset, you worked on your inner core beliefs. Now it’s time for your ultimate test of FAITH to really let go of fear.
This step can be really challenging and it goes hand in hand with letting go of your inner beliefs. To take aligned actions with your new beliefs, it means that you need to take a leap of faith. It can feel quite scary and uncomfortable as you feel like you are jumping into uncertainty.
You are used to making the same kinds of choices. So it takes great courage to start choosing differently. But this opens you up to a whole new world, a new reality. Building up the courage to take a new path shows that your faith and trust are now stronger than your fears.
Once you take the courageous step and take a leap of faith, the universe rewards you for it, trust me! A leap of faith and a shift in your internal world, matches you up to a new external world. And that’s what Quantum Jumping Manifestation is all about.
#6 Believe in a friendly universe
!["The most important decision we make is whether we believe in a hostile or friendly universe" - Albert Einstein](
As I mentioned earlier in this article, we are all made up of atoms which carry a vibrational frequency. By shifting your vibrational frequency through a shift in perception and beliefs, your projected reality changes. It’s mind-boggling, but try it out for yourself and see what happens!
So if you choose to believe in a hostile universe, that’s exactly what you will experience. On the other hand, if you choose to believe in a friendly universe which supports your decisions, that’s exactly what you will get.
The choice is yours! We were all created with free will. So now that you are aware of the kind of power you have over your reality, what do you choose to believe?
Just to clarify this doesn’t give us control over the whole world and other people. It gives us the power to create our own world where we can gracefully flow with the flow of life. The power lies within conscious choices and responses, rather than reacting and surrendering to automated conditioned patterns.
#7 Rest in FAITH and let go of your fear
Resting in faith was a big one for me. It was the last step that helped me let go of fear and do another quantum jump. Through meditation in nature, I was able to focus my attention fully on the present moment.
I stopped trying hard to focus on positive things and visualizing what I wanted to happen. It felt like I was clinging and desperately following all the steps I had learned to manifest. Yet letting go wasn’t that easy. I just couldn’t let go and surrender everything to the universe.
That reflected my internal inner core belief. Even though I really believed in a friendly universe and in what I was doing, I didn’t fully believe that it will happen. I kept trying to force things into a direction, and control the flow of life. Patience and faith are key to letting go of your fears and doubts.
“Don’t push the river, it flows by itself.”
Chinese Proverb
Set your intentions. Do your work. But most importantly, trust that everything will be okay. Because if you believe that it will be okay… it will!
Check out my Abundance Mindset Course to master yourself & turn your dreams into reality.
These 7 steps help you let go of fear and manifest miracles:
1. A dose of positivity a day, helps keep the fear away.
2. Identify limiting beliefs & real source of fear.
3. Let go of limiting beliefs & learn new ones.
4. Empty your mind, focus on the present moment.
5. Take aligned action.
6. Believe in a friendly universe.
7. Rest in FAITH.
Let go of fear by resting in faith. Trust that God knows best, even when you can’t make sense of things. We think we know better, and that if we don’t worry or control things, we will have chaos. The biggest miracles in life don’t involve thinking. You don’t think to keep your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your whole body functioning to keep you alive. Life takes care of itself.