Weird Things Narcissists Do Sexually – The What’s and the Why’s
Weird things narcissists do sexually often leave their partners confused and intrigued. In this article, we delve into the weird world of narcissistic sexual behavior.
From what turns on a narcissist sexually to using sex as a weapon, we explore various facets of their warped sexual behaviors.
Whether it’s the curious case of female narcissists or their views on dominance in bed, today’s insights offer a closer look at what drives narcissistic individuals.
11 Weird Things Narcissists Do Sexually
Narcissists often exhibit a range of weird sexual behaviors linked to low sexual empathy. Despite their individual variations, tend to follow a certain pattern.
This pattern stems from their personality disorder, making their actions somewhat predictable.
Nonetheless, it’s important to understand that narcissism exists on a spectrum; therefore, the intensity and nature of these behaviors can vary based on the severity of the disorder.
Here, we explore 11 common weird things narcissists do sexually:
- Using Sex as a Control Tool: Narcissists may use sex as a means to exert control over their partners, manipulating them emotionally.
- Fantasy Over Reality: They often favor sexual fantasies or fetishes that place them in positions of power or idolization.
- Sudden Disinterest: After intense pursuit, narcissists can suddenly become disinterested or distant sexually without apparent reason.
- Pornography Addiction: Narcissists may develop an addiction to pornography, using it as an escape or a way to fulfill unrealistic fantasies, often neglecting real intimate connections.
- Lack of Emotional Intimacy: Despite being physically intimate, narcissists often detach emotionally, making the sexual experience hollow and unfulfilling.
- Obsession with Physical Appearance: They may be overly focused on their own or their partner’s physical attributes, often to an unrealistic degree.
- Demanding Admiration: Narcissists might require constant praise and admiration in sexual encounters, seeking to boost their ego.
- Cheating and Multiple Partners: A common trait is their inclination towards infidelity or having multiple sexual partners.
- Sexual Aggression: Some may exhibit aggressive or dominating behaviors in bed, reflecting their need for control.
- Pushing Boundaries: Narcissists might push their partner’s sexual boundaries, often without considering consent or comfort.
- Emotional Manipulation Post-Sex: Post-sexual encounters, they may use emotional manipulation tactics, like guilt-tripping or narcissist gaslighting, to maintain control.
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What turns on a narcissist sexually?
Unraveling what turns on a narcissist sexually reveals a complex and often surprising array of preferences. At the core, narcissists seek experiences that reinforce their egos and sense of superiority.
Their sexual desires are less about intimacy and more about maintaining power and control. What narcissists want sexually often revolves around fulfilling their own fantasies and needs, rather than a mutual sharing of pleasure and affection.
Here’s a list of examples reflecting what turns on a narcissist sexually:
- Being admired and praised for their sexual prowess
- Dominating or controlling their partner
- Engaging in risky or taboo sexual activities
- Receiving excessive attention and flattery during sex
- Partners who are submissive and compliant
- Experiencing new or novel sexual encounters
- Sex that feels exclusive or elite, setting them apart
- Partners who idolize them or cater to their fantasies
- Situations where they can show off their desirability to others
- Sexual encounters that make them feel powerful or invincible
These tendencies highlight how narcissists crave to dominate and emphasize their own uniqueness, a trait common in the 12 traits of a narcissist. This need for superiority extends to all areas, including sexual relationships.
Additionally, their low empathy often leads them to be inconsiderate of their partner’s feelings, focusing mainly on their own desires and satisfactions.
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Do narcissists like to be dominated in bed?

The answer to this question isn’t straightforward and depends on the type of narcissist involved. While the majority of narcissists tend to gravitate towards control and power in their relationships, individual variations do exist. Some may occasionally explore different dynamics, influenced by their unique personality traits and the specific nuances of their narcissistic behavior.
For the overt narcissist, who is openly confident and assertive, being dominated in bed is often not preferable. They may exhibit a penchant for sadism or engage in degrading behaviors, aligning with their desire to control and overpower their partner. This reflects their need to assert dominance and their view of sexual encounters as another avenue to express their superiority.
Conversely, covert narcissists, who are more insecure and sensitive, might sometimes find the idea of being dominated appealing. This can be linked to their underlying insecurities and the complex dynamics of their self-esteem. However, it’s important to note that even in these scenarios, the underlying motive is often twisted into a form of psychological gratification that feeds their narcissistic traits.
In both cases, the common thread is that their sexual preferences, whether dominant or submissive, are primarily self-serving. The weird things narcissists do sexually, like exhibiting sadistic tendencies or degrading their partner, are more about fulfilling their narcissistic needs rather than mutual satisfaction.
This can include demanding constant admiration in bed, engaging in risky sexual behaviors to feel a sense of thrill and superiority, or manipulating their partner to fulfill specific fantasies.
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What turns on a female narcissist sexually?

Female narcissists are known for their unique and often perplexing sexual preferences, which can be linked to the 7 signs of a female narcissist. These preferences often amplify their need for admiration and control.
Here are some weird things female narcissists do sexually that align with these signs:
- Craving constant admiration and praise for their appearance and sexual performance.
- Preferring to dominate their partners, often in a controlling manner.
- Seeking partners who idolize and excessively cater to them.
- Desiring to be the center of attention in all scenarios, including sexual encounters.
- Choosing partners who are submissive and easily manipulated to meet their needs.
- Enjoying inciting jealousy and competition among partners.
- Dictating the terms in sexual relationships, maintaining control over the narrative.
- Showing a preference for luxury or exclusive sexual experiences.
- Utilizing manipulative behaviors to achieve sexual satisfaction.
- Sometimes exploring taboo or unconventional sexual activities to stand out.
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How narcissists use sex as a weapon
Narcissists have a notorious reputation for using sex as a weapon, a tactic deeply rooted in their psychological makeup. This approach to sex is less about mutual pleasure and more about exerting control and power. By leveraging sex, narcissists manipulate and maintain dominance over their partners, which is one of the many weird things narcissists do sexually.
The psychology behind this behavior stems from a narcissist’s need for validation, control, and fear of vulnerability. Sex becomes a tool for emotional manipulation; they may withhold it as a form of punishment or use it to create a false sense of intimacy. This can lead to a confusing push-and-pull dynamic, where sex is used to reward or reprimand, keeping their partner off balance.
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The effect on victims when narcissists use sex as a weapon
For partners of narcissists, this behavior can be deeply damaging. It creates an emotional rollercoaster, with the narcissist dictating the highs and lows of the relationship through sexual interactions.
Partners may feel used, powerless, or trapped in a cycle of trauma bonding, seeking approval and affection. This dynamic often leads to a diminished sense of self-worth and can result in lasting emotional and psychological effects.
Understanding this pattern is vital for those involved with a narcissist. Recognizing that this behavior is a manifestation of the narcissist’s own insecurities and need for control can be a first step in breaking free from this harmful cycle.
It’s important to seek support from a therapist and remember that healthy relationships are based on mutual respect and genuine intimacy, not manipulation and control.
Do narcissists like virgins?
The answer to this question depends on the personal preferences of the narcissist. People who suffer from NPD are driven by a need for control, admiration, and validation, and certain aspects of a relationship with a virgin may appeal to a narcissist.
The idea of being someone’s first can feed into a narcissist’s ego. They may relish the thought of being perceived as superior or more experienced, which aligns with their need for admiration. A virgin partner could be seen as a ‘blank slate,’ potentially more malleable and easier to control, fitting into the narcissist’s desire for dominance in the relationship.
On the other hand, narcissists often seek partners who can enhance their image and status. This might lead them to pursue relationships with individuals who are perceived as more experienced or socially desirable. In such cases, the virginity of a partner may be less appealing if it doesn’t align with the narcissist’s image or self-esteem needs.
In conclusion, while narcissists might find certain aspects of being with a virgin appealing, primarily for egoistic reasons, their preference largely depends on how well the partner fits into their overarching need for control, admiration, and self-enhancement.
As with many aspects of narcissism, the focus remains on what serves the narcissist’s self-interest, rather than a genuine preference for a partner’s virginity.
How to deal with weird things narcissists do sexually
Dealing with a narcissist’s sexual behavior can be challenging and confusing. It’s crucial to prioritize your well-being and learn how to set boundaries with a narcissist. Understanding their behavior is key to managing your responses. Remember, it’s not your fault and you’re not alone in this.
Here’s a list of steps for dealing with these situations:
- Recognize the Patterns: Be aware of the narcissist’s behaviors and tactics.
- Set Clear Boundaries: Define what is acceptable and stick to your limits.
- Seek Support: Talk to a therapist for support and guidance.
- Focus on Self-Care: Prioritize your mental and emotional health.
- Consider Your Options: Stay informed about safe exit strategies if needed.
If you’re interested in healing from narcissistic abuse, I warmly welcome you to my Narcissistic Abuse Recovery Program. It’s an easy self-paced online course which you can do at your own pace. My signature program combines scientific and spiritual tools for holistic healing of the body, mind, and spirit.
FAQs on Weird Things Narcissists Do Sexually
Here are some common weird things narcissists do sexually:
1. Using sex as a control tool
2. Pornography addiction
3. Degrading you in bed
4. Demanding constant admiration
5. Engaging in risky behaviors
6. Sudden disinterest in sex
A narcissist often approaches love-making as a performance, focusing more on their ego and desires than on mutual pleasure and intimacy.
Narcissists are often turned off by lack of admiration, criticism, and independence, as these challenge their need for control and self-importance.
A female narcissist is often turned on by excessive admiration, dominance in sexual encounters, and being the center of attention, reflecting her need for power and validation.
Additional Reading:
The Narcissist Prayer
Do Narcissists Feel Guilt?
Do Narcissists Know They Are Narcissists?